X-Ray Vision For Your Business
See Your Business Results In Real-Time,
Make Better Decisions & Watch Your Profits Soar

Automatically connects with these data sources and hundreds more:

Guiding Metrics Helps You Grow

Automatically Connects To All
Your Systems
The Guiding Metrics dashboard connects securely to all the systems and data sources you use in your business.

Complete Visibility
Into Your Business
Guiding Metrics gives you real-time metrics for your business. You always know exactly what’s going on and how your business is performing.

Immediately Spot
& Fix Problems
The Guiding Metrics dashboard shows you exactly what’s working and what’s not. So you can do more of what’s working and fix problems right away!

Simple & Quick Setup
The Guiding Metrics team custom builds your dashboard for you. Expect to spend less than 30 minutes to help us connect with the systems you currently use.

Dramatically Improve
Employee Productivity
When employees see their results in real-time, they become motivated to perform better, and do!

Accessible From
Anywhere, Anytime
The Guiding Metrics dashboard is securely hosted in the cloud so you can see your key metrics from mobile devices, tablets, and more.

“An amazing tool to expertly track
your metrics and improve profits.”

“Lets you see all your metrics in real-time so you
make better decisions and your business soars.”
What Our Clients Say

Andrea Tennant-Hall
COO, Pillo1
“I am thrilled with the addition of the Guiding Metrics Dashboard. At any moment of the day we have the opportunity of 20/20 vision on the health and activity of our company.”

Peter Steele
CEO, Revenue Automation
“I use the Guiding Metrics Dashboard to track critical KPI’s for our business – from leads to conversions to sales to accounts payable/receivable and our cash conversion cycle.”

Dustin Mathews
CEO, Speaking Empire
“The Guiding Metrics Dashboard is a huge timesaver! Having my metrics all centralized in one area makes me feel like I’ve got my finger on the pulse of my business.”

Perry Marshall CEO, Perry S. Marshall & Associates
“Guiding Metrics has greatly sharpened our focus on the few most important things we need to do to make our business better.”
“Measure everything of significance.
Anything that is measured and watched, improves.”

Bob Parsons
CEO, GoDaddy.com
“In the past, one could get by on intuition and experience. Times have changed. Today the name of the game is data.”

Steven D. Levitt
coauthor of Freakonomics
As Seen In

Tracking your metrics is critical to achieving methodical growth for your business. That being said, to enjoy the most success, you should not only track your metrics but have a written business plan that you follow. The following resources will help you most effectively create a winning business plan: business plan consultants, business plan writers.